« Back Why is SAS training Analytics Important?

By vikas  |  SAS Programming  |  On 6/25/2018 9:38:30 PM

Studentsundergoing SAS Training Pune wouldgrasp the underlying purpose of the technology – to examine millions of recordsto unlock new opportunities and uncover hidden patterns and trends. Today,tools like SAS and Hadoop are making it easier for SAS Training In Pune experts to analyze a large volume of data andmove beyond conventional spreadsheets like Excel for the same.

Thebelow reasons show how Big data analytics actually adds layers of value to anybusiness venture.

 1 – Bringing down cost overheads  

Thenew age big data technologies have been successful in delivering costadvantages to many businesses across diverse industry verticals. SAS Classroom Training In Pune expertsuse cloud-based analytics to further reduce the cost overheads associated withon-site big data planning and implementation infrastructure.

 2 – No more groping in the dark

Earlierdecision making was based on gut feeling and intuition – both of which didn’thave very high success rates. With the advent of big data tools, large scalecustomer and leads data could be analyzed by SAS Course In Pune experts to add a method to the madness.

 Withthe speed of in-memory analytics, SAStraining Pune experts can analyze diverse types of data in multiple formatsand present the analysis findings in near real-time. This led to faster andbetter decision making based on the numbers analyzed

 3 – Successful product launch

 SAS training Pune experts areincreasingly integrating it with Hadoop to get even more value from the bigdata framework. This allows the data analyst to showcase the preference,behavior, and trends behind customer data around a beta product launch.

 Withthis intel, the company can gauge audience reaction and make tweaks to theproduct before going ahead with the full-fledged launch. This way, SAS training Course In Pune expertselevate the likelihood of a product’s success even before it has been launchedin the market.

It isno surprise to see that with big data analytics, more and more companies are nowcoming up with new product launches. This is made possible by the robustanalytics system that helps a company to understand the needs and wants of thetarget audience.  


This the post gave a brief overview of what is big data analytics and why it holds suchimmense importance for businesses across the world. It also examined the roleof SAS Classroom training experts incrunching numbers to extract invaluable insights used in business decisionmaking that delivers successful outcomes.